Out of the 314 Registered ISACA CMMI Partners, Only 14 Hold Elite Status, and CUNIX is Proud to be One of Them

Out of the 314 Registered ISACA CMMI Partners, Only 14 Hold Elite Status, and CUNIX is Proud to be One of Them

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Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing

VAPT described as for Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) are security services that search for network, server, and system infrastructure vulnerabilities. Both services have a distinct purpose and are carried out to attain different but complementary objectives.

VAPT is a type of security testing that looks for security vulnerabilities in an application, network, endpoint, or cloud. Both Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing have significant advantages, and they are frequently combined to produce a comprehensive analysis. Vulnerability Assessment checks digital assets for weaknesses and alerts businesses to them. A penetration test exploits the system’s vulnerabilities and identifies security flaws.

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is a method of determining an application’s vulnerability. With the rise of hacking and other security risks, businesses are turning to VAPT services to secure sensitive information from external security breaches. Penetration testing is a type of ethical hacking that involves simulating hacking a software/application. It is used to bring problems to light.

The evolving tools hackers’ tools, strategies, and procedures for breaching networks are always improving, and it’s critical to assess your organization’s cyber security frequently.

Vulnerability assessment tools identify which vulnerabilities exist, but they don’t differentiate between those that can be exploited for harm and those that can’t. Vulnerability scanners notify businesses of pre-existing problems in their code and where they can be found. Penetration tests use system defects to discover whether unauthorised access or other malicious conduct is possible and assess which flaws threaten the application. Penetration testing discovers exploitable weaknesses and assesses their severity. Instead of finding every vulnerability in a system, a penetration test is designed to demonstrate how harmful a vulnerability could be in an actual attack. Penetration testing and vulnerability assessment tools work together to provide a complete view of an application’s vulnerabilities and the risks associated with those flaws.

VAPT Process


Benefits of VAPT

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    It provides a detailed view of potential hazards to an application to the organization.
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    Aid the organization in detecting programming errors that result in cyber-attacks.
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    Provide risk management solutions.
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    Protects the business's reputation and financial resources.
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    VAPT Protects applications from both internal and external threats.
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    It protects the data of the company from dangerous attacks.

Let’s discuss about how we can help make your business better