Out of the 314 Registered ISACA CMMI Partners, Only 14 Hold Elite Status, and CUNIX is Proud to be One of Them

Out of the 314 Registered ISACA CMMI Partners, Only 14 Hold Elite Status, and CUNIX is Proud to be One of Them

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iso 27001


Controls (Annex A) A.5: Information Security Policies – Controlling how policies are written and revised A.6: Information Security Organization â€“ Controls on how responsibilities are assigned; also includes controls for mobile devices A.7: Human Resources Security â€“ Pre-employment, during and after employment controls A.8: Asset management â€“ Asset inventory and acceptable use controls; also for information classification and media...
ISO 27001 is a standard which helps organizations manage information security. It was published by International Standardization Organization (ISO). The latest revised version is ISO 27001:2013. First version was published in 2005. This standard was developed on British Standards BS 7799-2. Which type of organizations can get certified for ISO 27001? ISO 27001 can be implemented in any...