Out of the 314 Registered ISACA CMMI Partners, Only 14 Hold Elite Status, and CUNIX is Proud to be One of Them

Out of the 314 Registered ISACA CMMI Partners, Only 14 Hold Elite Status, and CUNIX is Proud to be One of Them

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CMMI- Safety Domain

Improves performance and key capabilities for organizations to assess, enhance, and improve their safety strategies.

1. Enabling Safety (ESAF)

11Enable Safety

Reduces and mitigates safety risks within acceptable tolerance thresholds, carefully balancing operational efficiency, time, and cost constraints, while managing residual hazards to a controllable level. Safety efforts focus on sustaining an acceptable risk profile through a systematic approach that defines safety objectives and continuously refines methods to address safety concerns. The most effective safety measures are seamlessly embedded within processes, planning, equipment, systems, and the work environment, rather than being treated as afterthoughts. Essential components of a successful organizational safety strategy include fostering a strong safety culture, routinely assessing potential hazards, periodically reviewing safety practices and outcomes, and implementing comprehensive safety controls.

Target Audience

Organizations that want to assess, enhance and improve safety strategies.

End User Pain Points

  • Too much risk
  • Low employee morale
  • High turnover

Key Benefits

  • Increase quality
  • Reduce risk
  • Improve employee morale and turnover
  • Develop resiliency